The 2020 game bird season was rudely delayed by Covid, but by mid may the call was made that the opening weekend of the game bird season would be 23-24 May, and so underway were many plans to spread some decoys and get into those Maimais.
Having missed the last couple of seasons being away overseas, Bruce was keen to get out there, this time shooting with the camera while a few mates shot with the guns. Here is a collection of images from the opening Saturday of the 2020 game bird season. Images that tell the story, not of hunters boasting of their spoils, but images that capture the story of what it's like in the Maimai for a Father/ Son shooting pair on the busiest day of the game bird calendar.
You’ll notice there aren't many shots of birds on the wing. We didn't have the busiest day and most of the action happened in the low light of the early morning. I captured most of this action on film and will be putting together a video of the days hunting so keep an eye out for this.
The boys had a spread of about 30 decoys out in front of the Maimai, a mixture of stationary birds combined with some divers and this "landing Mallard" to ad life to the scene.
There is typically less bird activity during the middle of the day and we definitely found this to be true. Here Tristan catches a few moments shut-eye and a hot chocolate while the old boy is on lookout.
The Real work. Birds are plucked and readied for the pot. Roast duck with apricot stuffing.
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